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Love your Liver - Yin & Sound Session

  • Natural Therapies Centre 78 Steere Street Bridgetown Australia (map)

A wonderful Yin flow for the Liver & Gallbladder after lovely celebrations of the festive season we are all ready to flush & flow into the year !

2019 is going to be one of stepping into our highest potential as humans & deep love for our earth, so lets begin with ourselves cultivate self acceptance & love for the earthy elements of ourselves our bodies, acceptance of the moment & develop a way of being that serves our planet what better way than with Yoga, Breath, Meditation & Harmony of Magical Sounds 

Join me as we drop into stillness, inner listening & allow for the energy to unravel & our bodies & minds become present with what is together moving gently with awareness of breath & soothing sounds to bring harmony as we let go into the beingness of you...

Places are limited booking is required 
When - Sunday Jan 27th 10am -11.30am 
Cost - $25 TO BOOK & PAY CLICK HERE or to book & arrange payment at the door or via direct deposit please call or text Jen on 0428538801
Venue - Natural Therapies Centre Bridgetown